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আপনাদের সবাই কে স্বাগত
রাহুল বসাক

এই পৃষ্ঠাটি মিডিয়া সংস্থাগুলি এবং যে সংস্থাগুলি আমন্ত্রণ জানিয়েছে তাদের সহায়তা করার জন্য ডিজাইন করা হয়েছে
অতিথি স্পিকার / বিচারক / পরামর্শদাতা বা অন্যান্য ভূমিকার জন্য মিঃ রাহুল বসাক। এই পৃষ্ঠায় মিঃ বাসাক সম্পর্কে সমস্ত বুনিয়াদি ডাউনলোড বা পুনঃব্যবহারযোগ্য চিত্র / লেখা রয়েছে।
এটি দ্রষ্টব্য: আপনি যদি আপনার সংস্থার উদ্দেশ্যটির জন্য বিশদগুলির কোনওটি ব্যবহার করেন তবে আমরা আপনাকে অনুরোধ করব ইমেল ( এর মাধ্যমে আমাদের দলের সাথে বিশদটি ভাগ করে নেওয়ার জন্য।
আপনি যদি এই পৃষ্ঠাটি উদ্দেশ্যহীনভাবে খুলে / খুঁজে পেয়েছেন তবে আমরা আপনাকে অনুরোধ করছি

What should be the designation mentioned on the poster for the event?Here you can choose multiple or a fit for your event. Below we are sharing few options (Every point is set here): 1. Serial Entrepreneur Artist Public Speaker 2. Co-founder and CEO at Amar Canvas® Co-founder and Chief Editor at My Canvas Talk TEDx (3-Times), Josh Talk, IITs Guest Speaker Here are few other points as well, that you may mention according to your fit, "Podcast Host at PEP Talks with Rahul", "Nationally Recognised Public Speaker". "India's most influential under age 40" Now, feel free to mention any of them (As a set or as individual title).
What should we write in the about us/description section of the event?There no strict rule that you have to write this only. This is just a general lineup. Use accordingly rather Mr. Basak, will be looking forward to hearing something creative from you. You can do check the menu of this website for the tab "My Story" where you will get the details. But never mind, we are sharing a template with you as well. Below: Rahul Basak is a serial entrepreneur, Co-founder and CEO of "Amar Canvas ®", Co-founder and Chief Editor of "My Canvas Talk," Founder and Host of the international podcast "PEP Talks with Rahul", Founder of "Learning with Rahul". Recently My Canas Talk awarded as the winner in the "Entrepreneurship Conclave" by "The Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry" Rahul is also an internationally renowned keynote speaker, featured on TEDx (3-Times), Josh Talks, Dev Talks (Google Developers Program), Space Talk (NASA Space Space Apps Challenge India), Multiple IITs, NIT, The Department of Science & Technology of Indian Government, and also to more than 60 organizations nationally and internationally. Rahul is also a nationally recognized documentary photographer, whose primary goal is to make photographs of different fields of human psychology. His works were featured as "Wall of fame" by MTV Nescafe Lab, India. He is also one of the few people of India to hold the coin (medal) by Behance (by Adobe), Rahul won multiple awards including 2-times champion by Fine Arts Academy of St. Xavier's College, Kolkata, and many more. Recently Rahul Signed his first book on photography and poetry written by him with one of the largest press in India. Rahul Basak is also a popular name when it comes to as a judge for different business and art competitions. He judged 6 - Times for International Hult Prize Organization (On Campus), also he was the judge to one of the largest photography competition of state "Dream Award". Recently, an international organization "Map of Me by Going to School" created short documentation on Rahul Basak's life. Apart from this, he gets featured in the national or international news, podcast, radio on a regular basis.
How to get the Photos for the poster/banner/promotional materials for the event?We are sharing here few photos which might be helpful to you for the design of your content, please feel free to chose any of them according to your design or need. Click here for the photos. (Downloadable)
Fastest way to receive new updates on Rahul Basak?Well, It depends on the news. But we will be honest here, sometimes we take a bit of extra time to update, most recent news on the news section. Best possible way to learn about it is from LinkedIn. Do click here to see recent updates. And sometimes google news can be helpful as well.
How to check Rahul Basak's availability for your event?The only way to learn about this. Is talking with Rahul Basak or by sending Email to the team. Email Id: Response) Talk to Rahul Directly: Rahul Basak's LinkedIn (Message/In-mail)
On which subject Rahul Basak speak mostly in a event?Rahul generally talks on various subjects depends on the event. He only speaks on the experience from his life or the things where he is knowledgeable. Entrepreneurship Art Mental Health Personal Branding Branding and Marketing Make your failures, your strongest pillar Apart from Rahul's life experinces, if you feel fit a subject for the talk. You can also reach out to us. Click here for the story on Rahul Basak's life.
Do Rahul Basak charge for the event?It completly depends on the organisation. If they want to contribute anything do reach out to the team via email.
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